Ubuntu - I am what I am because of who we are
“Ubuntu has many meanings throughout South Africa, and really around the world. I have always used it in order to communicate the connection between every being. I am because you are. A celebration and recognition of our oneness. I look forward to reveling in our unity and giving back in every way I can.”
All of our lives are really just stories. Some stories are filled with struggle and glimmers of hope, others are stories of love and passion. No matter our individual stories, there is one story that outweighs them all, the story of life as a whole. Human, animal, flower we are all alive and we all strive to remain alive as long as possible. I am continually in awe of the life I have been given. At times it feels so incredibly unfair. The injustice of life. I will fight until the day I die for a more equal world. The Vibrant Kitchen & Home is a platform for me to give back on a larger scale. I love cooking, I love sharing my tips on how to live a more sustainable life, but this shop came from the want to give back in a big way. 5% of all profits from The Vibrant Kitchen & Home will go towards two organizations I have loved and supported for years. Maji Mazuri, and Médecins Sans Frontières also known as Doctors Without Borders. My hope is that this will only be the beginning, and each new project will increase donations to organizations around the globe. I want to stress that donations are not the answer to ending injustice or inequality. Donations cannot solve poverty, or end the need for water and sanitation. But it is a start, especially with organizations that give nearly 100% to projects on the ground. That is the goal of both of these organizations, to provide the means for people to lift themselves out of poverty by supplying them with the necessary tools to do so.
“When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a man can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
Learn more about Maji Mazuri here or visit majimazuri.org
Learn more about Médecins Sans Frontières here or visit msf.org