Parsley Pesto with Roasted Cherry Balsamic Tomatoes and Asparagus

Basil is amazing. It is one of the most coveted herbs in my garden. I will never turn down a freshly made basil pesto. On this particular day however I had absolutely no basil in the garden, no basil in my Fridge. I did however have an abundance of Italian parsley. Rich dark green, nutrient filled parsley.  I have never tried making parsley pesto. And now that I have, I  wont ever stop! This pesto is bursting with flavor. Its delicate and absolutely beautiful. I topped it with slow roasted tomatoes in cherry balsamic with whole garlic cloves, roasted bell peppers, and sauteed garlic asparagus in a touch of red wine. This dish captures everything I love in one meal.  Color, nourishment, and flavor that brings you to another world. 

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well
— Virginia Woolf

The Goods: 

1  bag or box of your favorite Gluten Free Pasta  ( I love Jovial and Tolerant Foods the best) 

2 bunches parsley 

2 bulbs of garlic 

2 pints grape or sugar plum tomatoes 

2 yellow or orange bell peppers 

1/2 cup and a table spoon of walnuts, toasted 

1 Bunch of Asparagus 

2 Tablespoons red wine 

2 tablespoons cherry balsamic vinegar 

4 Meyer lemons 

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 

Pink Himalayan salt and Black pepper to taste 


Get Cooking: 

Preheat oven to 375 F.  In a large baking dish scatter your tomatoes and 6-7 whole peeled cloves of garlic.  Splash over the balsamic vinegar  and about a teaspoon of olive oil and season gently with salt and pepper.  Set aside. In a small baking dish, lay your whole bell peppers down. They are just going straight in the oven, no oil or salt needed! Put your tomatoes and bell peppers in the oven to roast. Let roast for 30-40 minutes depending on your oven. While they are roasting away you can start boiling your pasta. Add a little salt and olive oil to the water while it boils. Next up, get your food processor out to make the pesto! Add your parsley, 3 cloves of garlic, toasted walnuts, juice of 2 lemons, zest one one lemon, salt and pepper. While you process add in your olive oil until desired consistency is reached.  If you are looking to cut oil, you can add in one ripe hass avocado. It will give you the creamy  texture without the oil!  Once pesto is perfect for you, you can spoon into a bowl and set aside.  Drain your pasta and set aside.  Mince 6-7 garlic cloves, and heat a saute pan to medium low heat. Add in a splash of olive oil, and then add your minced garlic and asparagus spears.  I trim the ends of the asparagus to make sure every bite is tender. Mix gently in pan for about 5-6 minutes. Add a squeeze of lemon and your red wine and let reduce. Once reduced remove from heat.

Once your roasted bell peppers are cooled you will want to peel the skin off, it will come off very easily. And chop however you like. To assemble pour pasta into a large mixing bowl. Add a touch of olive oil, salt, lemon juice, and pepper to taste. Then add pesto and combine. You can transfer to a serving dish and top with roasted peppers, tomatoes, and asparagus! Enjoy! <3 


Roasted Bell Peppers
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
— J.R.R Tolkien