Jewels of a Dreamer
“Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.”
From when we are born into this tumultuous world, to the day we close our eyes for the last time we are made of dreams. We see the world in front of us and yearn to make it into a painting of our own creation, to leave parts of ourselves on the walls of this extraordinary life. We grow, we learn, we create, we love, we break, we rebuild and with each success and every failure new dreams are born. Hilary Pearlson is a dreamer of beauty, a woman who is building an incredible lifestyle platform to share passions, holistic wellness tips, fashion, and other pieces of loveliness. So many of us get lost in this life that sometimes seems to be filled with never ending movement. Hilary reminds us to care for ourselves, to allow ourselves moments of quiet, reflection, and intimate joys. Simple pleasures like curling up in a blanket with a rose face masque on listening to your favorite song. Wearing that outfit you didn’t think you could pull off, and realizing just how beautiful you are. Making your kitchen into a haven of creativity and nourishing nutrition. I have fallen in love with Hilary and her sunshine smile. She is powerful in her grace, and she is so adoring about the life that has been given to her. Her dedication to making her dreams a reality, while continuing to dream of even more beautiful things makes my heart full. Each of us is on such a unique journey and we are all so vastly different, but we share certain commonalities that link us together and make every minute so special. Here is a peek into the mind of this remarkable woman!
Hello Hilary! So lovely to have you!
What lead you to the creation of Jewels of A Dreamer?
Thank you so much for having me! It is an honor to be part of The Vibrant Kitchen and a blessing to be able to call you my friend.
I have actually been reading blogs religiously for the past 10 years before I even really knew what went into creating a blog. I always felt so inspired by what other women were wearing, eating and how they would share their lives and thoughts on this completely open platform. I had always wanted to create something similar but never made the jump. It wasn’t until 2011 when I was going through a scary health-related wake-up call (more about this below) that it really hit me. I could continue on the path I was on, which would have been to add to my resume of fashion internships and eventually get a job in the industry or I could go after my dreams. Creating a place where I could share everything that inspires me, connect with like-minded women and have a place to express myself. That day I came up with the name Jewels of a Dreamer and since then there isn’t a day that goes by where I am not thinking about what I want to share, say and create.
What are some of your dreams for the future with your beautiful platform?
I have SO many! The overall, big picture dream is that Jewels of a Dreamer will become a treasured resource for women looking to feel inspired and incorporate a more holistic, loving approach into their life. Whether that is making the switch to non-toxic beauty, introducing herbs and superfoods into their diet, making conscious purchases when shopping or what to cook so that they can feeling energized and at home in their body. Also, to create a strong and empowering community around supporting other women.
This is the manifesto I am inspired by daily. Separately, I also have dreams of products I would love to create as well a coaching program where I would be working with women one-on-one, more on this to come soon!
Autumn, Winter, Spring or Summer?
Autumn most definitely. I feel as if I am floating on a cloud for the few glorious months it lasts. The cozy sweaters, warm cups of tea and walking aimlessly for hours on end. I fall in love with living in New York City all over again.
You have been on a healing journey, would you mind sharing with us a little about it and what lead you to holistic wellness?
As others who are on a healing journey can relate, my story could fill a book so I will try to give you just the cliff notes. This is my first time sharing more about my experience and it’s an honor to be doing it on your site.
Every since I can remember I was constantly sick. Growing up it wasn’t out of the ordinary for me to miss weeks of school on end, dealing with excruciating stomach pains, sinus infections, the flu and a variety of other ailments. When I was 15 it was recommended to my mom that I should be tested for celiac disease, which ultimately I tested positive for. That became a small piece to the puzzle answering the questions of what was going on in my body. After adopting a gluten-free diet, I began to heal my gut but for me, that was only the first of many steps to figuring out what my body was trying to tell me. When I was 17 I had serious jaw surgery which required a lot of testing of my blood count numbers. Those results came back very worrisome and it was recommended to my parents that I should undergo a bone marrow biopsy to be tested for leukemia. When this test came back negative we all breathed a collective sigh of relief and I continued on to finish high school and move to New York to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology.
Almost 4 years later when I was 21, working, interning and going to school, symptoms began to appear that I just couldn’t ignore. Shortness of breath to the point I couldn’t even walk up the stairs from the subway without having to stop and catch my breath, severe yellowing of my skin, bruising all over my body, and overall feeling very ill. After being pushed by family to get blood work we discovered my hemoglobin (blood oxygen level) was a 5 (which explained the difficulty breathing) normal is 12-15.5. The school immediately called my mom and said I may have leukemia or something similar with the way my numbers looked. They called Dan, my then boyfriend and now fiance to rush me to the hospital for immediate blood transfusions and further testing. And so the journey began. Eventually, I was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia (Bone Marrow Failure) and December 2011 I received a life-saving bone marrow transplant. My little sister was a perfect 10/10 match. Going through the transplant was the hardest 2 years of mine and my families life. There were many days I couldn’t stand the pain, and for almost a year I couldn’t really go outside. But we made it through and I am so thankful for all of their love and support.
This might sound strange to some but although this wasn’t the case at the time, I now feel like my transplant turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. To know that the way I had been feeling wasn’t normal and that being in my physical body wasn’t supposed to be this difficult. That this wasn’t how it was going to be for the rest of my life. It was truly a huge relief. I strongly believe I was on the wrong career and goal path and my transplant completely shifted my journey to where I was supposed to go. I had always dabbled in holistic health/wellness prior to the transplant. I was vegan, bought organic food and practiced vinyasa yoga. After my diagnosis, I made myself (as Kris Carr would say) the CEO of save my ass industries. Dying was never an option to me. I focused on everything I was putting into my body (to the point where the nutritionists in every hospital I went to were fed up with me because I wouldn’t drink their sugar-laden beverages and dietary recommendations), I meditated every morning, did reiki, light yoga, studied crystals, and gave everything I had to my healing. To this day I still go to treatments and appointments, although as time goes on, my immune system is getting stronger and it is becoming less and less. My healing journey through holistic wellness will never be over and my hope is that through Jewels of a Dreamer, I can share the tools that I have learned and I hopefully can help even just one person going through their journey.
Do you have an item of clothing that will carry you through summer?
I have been infatuated with midi-dresses right now in all colors and patterns. Perfect with dainty jewelry and a head scarf for warmer days or with a few extra layers during cooler evenings.
What colors make your soul come alive?
As I have been diving deeper into my journey with kundalini yoga I have been feeling extremely connected with white. Yogi Bhajan taught that wearing white expands your auric radiance by at least a foot. It also helps to deflect negativity. It is an energy that I find hard to put into words but I am very drawn to it, so it is something I am embracing and exploring.
Do you have a daily ritual to restore your spirit and body?
My rituals are extremely close to my heart and when I don’t make the time for them, everything feels a bit hazy. My morning ritual is the most important to me by far.
I have been working with my friend and mentor Taylor Eyewalker and as we go through lessons based in the Kundalini teachings. I have readings and kriya’s (series of postures, breath and sounds) to complete daily that help me to feel centered and uphold my vision.
I wake up and begin with the first of many beverages for the day. Right now it is a mix of Sun Potion chlorella and The Beauty Chef Antioxidant followed by warm lemon water which helps to hydrate my body after sleep. I then brew a pot of Gynostemma Tea (Spring Dragon Longevity Tea) or Yerba Mate. Afterwards, I sit down and go through my readings, chants and meditations. I try to leave at least an hour for this every morning so I don’t feel rushed. I then blend whatever tonic herbs and superfoods (my favorite brand is Sun Potion) that I feel called to with my tea and a healthy fat like coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut oil or ghee to start the day with focus and energy. These herbs keep me buzzing with joy all day long.
In the evenings, I journal and reflect on my day - how I did or did not uphold my vision and whether I was clear in my communications with others.
Can you share a couple of your favorite skincare treats?
Absolutely, this is one of my favorite topics!! There are so many favorites to choose from. My friend Alexa from Super Food Super Life recently introduced me to Bottega Organica which I have really been enjoying. Everything made by Earth Tu Face, my friend Desiree has a beautiful line called Benshen which is heavenly, Om Aroma + Co, Sun Potion Shea Butter and Tocos + Ashitaba + Manuka Honey face masks, Odacite, Laurel Whole Plant Organics and Ay Shayh organic coconut oil. These are top of mind at the moment but I am constantly incorporating and discovering new brands.
Once I made the switch to green beauty and got to know the people and stories behind the brands I was using, I immediately felt so connected to the love put into every product that touched my skin. It has been a beautiful experience for me into the power of plants. My skin is very thankful!
Touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell… which do you love more than anything else?
This is a hard one! I feel so thankful for all of my senses. Every day as I am going through my list of gratitude I recite all of the ways I use my senses to experience life. It is with infinite gratitude that I wake up being able to explore the world in so many different ways.
If I had to choose it would be sight + taste. To be able to experience the beauty of this world through sight is an incredible gift. To look into the eyes of those I love, admire the style of those I pass in my every day, to see the food I create and that is created for me, to experience nature, as a creative person it is my fuel and inspiration.
The memories and experiences through taste are also of incredible importance to me. Food is such an integral part of my life and so many relationships and conversations that have created who I am fundamentally were over meals that I can still taste if I close my eyes.
What inspires you daily in the world?
Women. I am so inspired by the wellness community. Every day I am meeting women both in-person and through social media who are stepping into their power and making a difference in this world. We are creating friendships where we support each other and connect on many levels. It is an honor to be part of their journey and to watch them flourish.
A song that moves you?
Grace of God by Gurunam Singh. The first time I heard this song it brought me to tears. I play it daily as a reminder of the support system all around me.
A literary quote to live by?
I have always been inspired by the playful yet deeply current quotes of Dr. Seuss. One of my absolute favorites are:
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
Another top pick and one of my biggest inspirations is Marianne Williamon:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Sunshine or moonlight?
Sunshine. Growing up in Miami I always took the endless sunshine for granted but once I moved to New York and experienced my first true winter, I valued the sun for many reasons beyond the warmth it gave me. I have since found the sunshine to be one of the most potent sources of healing and take advantage of soaking it up (with proper protection!) every chance I get.
Scent to me brings back memories. Are there any scents that bring you back to your childhood? Or any other special memory?
I feel so attached to scents. I find it to be a magical experience when I catch a scent unexpectedly and am instantly transported to another time in my life. The perfume Angel by Thierry Mugler is what my Grandma wore and takes me back to her sofa, curled under her arm chatting about life. The smell of freshly brewed coffee reminds me of parents, they are both big coffee drinkers and the smell would encompass the house waking me up every morning.
If you could visit any five places in the world where would you go and why?
Athens, Greece - Paris, France - Rome, Italy - Marrakech, Morocco : all of these places for everything they offer! The scenery, people, fashion, food and experiences they bring. I can’t wait to be able to explore more of this world and the many cultures it offers. To soak in every moment and photograph these places is a dream of mine.
Roadtrip across the US - so many places to see, people to meet and vintage to acquire!
Do you have any non-profits you support and would like to bring our attention too?
Be The Match. ( Every year thousands of people are diagnosed with blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma and in my case, severe aplastic anemia. The good news is that a cure exists. By registering with Be The Match (all it takes is a swab in your mouth) you have the opportunity to save a life. To be a match with someone is truly a miracle and a few hours of your life will save the life of another.
What do you think being a “dreamer” truly means?
To be a dreamer means to be unstoppable in the pursuit of your passions. A dreamer is someone who pushes boundaries, thinks outside the box and explores new ideas. Who creates experiences, enjoys all the fun life has to offer while releasing what is no longer serving them. A dreamer wants to bring joy to their life and the lives of others and is ambitious in their objective to manifest an idea into reality. A dreamer does not give up but instead takes each life experience as a lesson to be learned and a stepping stone. To hold a vision of possibility and fulfill their destiny.
Never underestimate the potential your dreams hold.
If anyone has any questions or would like to get in touch with Hilary her email is
You can also follow her gorgeous Instagram account at @jewelsofadreamer